You only have one life, follow your dreams!

by loloelen

Two years ago I started facing serious problems at my job at that time.  The biggest one, the one that made me realize I should stop “spending” my life was ingratitude.

To me it is absolutely disheartening when you give all your energy and soul to someone else’s work and they take it for granted without even showing some real appreciation.

Anyway, It was a slap in my face and suddenly I felt awake and ready to live my life and follow my dreams.

Come on guys, we all know that our life on this earth is one-time deal, this is it – nothing else, at least this is the guaranteed one!

So stop losing time and stop over thinking …. just believe in yourself and do what really gives pleasure to you.

I had the need to write this post since, in spite the fact I took the decision to work for me 2 years ago, I didn’t have persistence to chase my dream with full energy – cause of pandemic situation and personal matters.

But now it is the time for me and loloelen to create my microcosmos – marketplace and invite my friends, my enemies, my potential friends, those who are just curious to see the things that I love and wish to share with the rest of you.

Soon, I will announce the place that will house my dream … Even for this matter things have changed recently cause of lack of boundaries (this is another big lesson in life “set your boundaries”).

Sending kisses and hugs (now that we get vaccinated we may actually – not only virtually – enjoy them).


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