Coronavirus crisis love

by loloelen

Coronavirus main topic for discussion is the relationship crisis.  Experts, actually, predict a boom in separations and divorces when this situation is over.  But why?

To be honest, while being in social distancing a month now and living on my own, I am observing (remotely) other peoples’ life and from time to time, with a glass of wine in hand, I have profound conversations with my friends about their personal life …. The thing is that when living as a single again, you have a lot of time to reflect on anything and I admit Ι was very keen in analyzing this relationship crisis.  Unfortunately, all vibes I am getting from my environment regarding their relationships, any kind of relationships but mostly the intimate ones are very negative ….

Today I bumped into an excellent article of BBC about it.  Literally the author put into words my thoughts and I could resist in publishing it here so that you read it and maybe then exchange our opinions and our remarks.

Please read how coronavirus crisis is creating new couples and get back to me with your beliefs.

Take care of yourselves and your beloved ones and be patient!




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