Grandmother, the most inspiring person of my life

by loloelen

My grandmother was (and still is) the most inspiring person of my life, with a few totally uninspiring habits….

I grow up with my grandmother at home and I always remember her for the safety I was feeling when being around her and for her capability to be “tender” and “ice” at the same time…. Her whole life was inspiring and admirable and I bet you will agree with me if you read below.

She was a woman that left her home alone, at the early age of 6 years, with just a few money at her pocket to come to the big city and work in the house of a wealthy family.  She stayed at this house till 18 years old and when the owners wanted to get her married with another employee she left and went directly to my grandfather’s restaurant (she had met him while shopping groceries at the local market) and told him “if I stay I will be married in a few months … If I come with you we will create a lovely family” …. and so they did ….

This woman advised me two things a) never take a man for a husband without loving him b) always be independent and so, I followed her instructions at my whole life – without even comprehending it.  I am so glad about that, I really am!.

When thinking of her, quite often actually, I remember also (and i lough a lot) her uninspiring habits … a few, but I promised myself never to adopt them.  I bet, if you have my age, you will have similar memories and I would love to talk about them.

– She was keeping the plastic packages of products to reuse them

– she had always a tissue in her pocket for multi-use during the day

– she was adding too much sugar in everything

– she was telling “no” without justifying it

– she wanted to have the first and last word in everything

– she was keeping broken decorating items – trying to cover them

– she wasn’t trowing away anything – never

– she was too strict with daily routine rituals

– she was praying out loud

So, how was your grandmother?

Waiting to share your experiences with me.

Take care and stay safe



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