Touch of joy at your style – handcrafted jewelry

by loloelen

I admire and I “envy” those talented persons that can create art pieces with just a few simple and affordable materials.  One of those is Evi and her work @spadelove_shop

Although I consider myself a person with style and good taste, I never managed to become a woman who can combine effortless ideas and create her absolute own look!  Many times I bought separately fabrics, accessories, stones, threads etc. and gave them to friends of mine that could design and form something beautiful and made for me….  Obviously my “fantasy” is not so strong …

Well, I may get there with my baby project “loloelen” and I may be able to gather and structure beautiful collections of fashion items that I would wear with pleasure!

That is why I approached @spadelove_shop and asked to work with me and present her lovely, classy, charming work at loloelen space.

She works with hematite, crystals, stones and waxed threads and gives birth to pretty, tempting, old time classic that really rocks necklaces and bracelets.  She pays  a lot of attention to the materials’ selection and she makes sure that all are long lasting, in colors that do not fade and at adjustable size.

Wearing only one or a bunch of them will endorse your look, especially if you wish to be a turn head appearance with no effort and no cost.

If you like fair enough, joyful and bright accessories that can give a boost to your mood, this is your case!

DM me or email me for availability or for pre-ordering your fav!

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